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Bees Knees Problem

Given, two Series bees and knees, if the ith value of bees is NaN, double the ith value inside knees.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

bees = pd.Series([True, True, False, np.nan, True, False, True, np.nan])
knees = pd.Series([5,2,9,1,3,10,5,2], index = [7,0,2,6,3,5,1,4])

# 0     True
# 1     True
# 2    False
# 3      NaN
# 4     True
# 5    False
# 6     True
# 7      NaN
# dtype: object

# 7     5
# 0     2
# 2     9
# 6     1  <-- double this
# 3     3
# 5    10
# 1     5
# 4     2  <-- double this
# dtype: int64
Expected Result
# 7     5
# 0     2
# 2     9
# 6     2
# 3     3
# 5    10
# 1     5
# 4     4
# dtype: int64

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