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Have you read the setup guide?

Make sure you read our setup guide for this problem set first!


Let's start our project with a Next.js warmup. Create the following pages:

  • / (home page)

    Give the home page a title like <h1>Pro Jokes</h1> and then list the following Q&A jokes:

    Q: What do you call a fake noodle?
    A: An impasta.
    Q: Why do bees have sticky hair?
    A: Because they use a honeycomb.
    Q: Why did the scarecrow get promoted?
    A: He was outstanding in his field.
  • /signup

    The sign up page should have the title Sign up followed by a sign up form with fields

    • Full name
    • Email
    • Password
    • Confirm password

    and a Sign up button. All fields should be required.

    Underneath the form, include a Sign up with Google button.

  • /signin

    The sign in page should have the title Sign in followed by a sign in form with fields

    • Email
    • Password

    and a Sign up button.

    Underneath the form, include a Sign up with Google button.

Additionally, create a navbar component that appears on every page. It should have links to the Home page, Sign up page, and Sign in page.


Here's a demo of what this should look like.

Scaffolding demo