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Jerky For Dogs Problem

You sell homemade beef jerky for dogs at your local farmers market 🐶. After a few weeks of selling, you decide to analyze your sales by date per flavor.

import numpy as np

# Create a random number generator
rng = np.random.default_rng(1234) # (1)!

# Make data
dates = ['2022-01-01', '2022-01-08', '2022-01-15', '2022-01-22', '2022-01-29']
dates = np.repeat(np.array(dates, dtype='datetime64[D]'), repeats=4)
flavors = np.tile(['traditional', 'salsa', 'sweet orange', 'smokey'], reps=5)
sales = np.round(rng.lognormal(mean=3, sigma=2.5, size=len(dates)), 2)
dates, flavors, sales = dates[:-1], flavors[:-1], sales[:-1]

print(dates)   # ['2022-01-01'   '2022-01-01' ... '2022-01-29'   '2022-01-29']
print(flavors) # [     'salsa' 'sweet orange' ...      'salsa' 'sweet orange']
print(sales)   # [      82.02           11.43 ...      1358.36           0.09]
  1. See [numpy.random.default_rng()][default_rng]

Build a plot like the one below showcasing sales vs date, with a separate Axes for each flavor. Note that each Axes has the same x and y scale!

Show the plot

Suppress Scientific Notation

Use np.set_printoptions(suppress=True) to suppress scientific notation in NumPy.

scientific notation on
# [9.10000e-01 1.35836e+03]
scientific notation off
# [   0.91 1358.36]

Try with Google Colab